Master Your Mind,
Transform Your Life
You are your most valuable asset. The best gift you can ever give yourself is to fulfil your potential. Take positive, compassionate, forward focused action and thrive personally & professionally. Improve your confidence, self belief, wellbeing and energy so burnout and survival is finally a thing of the past
Hi, I'm Kate
Coach, Speaker, Actor and Mum of one, I'm obsessed about helping you fulfil your potential without burnout so you live the most vibrant, exciting, fulfiling and healthy life possible.
As an ICF ACC Life Coach my work centres around helping you to improve confidence, wellbeing, energy, mindset and performance so you thrive personally & professionally. With over 22 years experience I've helped transform the lives of 100's of individuals across high performance, health, fitness and the creative industries
You have big dreams and are ready to take action to change your life: I am here to help you do just that. Maybe you feel totally confused, stuck, overwhelmed, lost. Coaching will help you identity what you DO want from your life, where you want to take your career, who you want to be. Before I worked with a coach myself I was having what felt like a crisis - I was 35 and unsure what I was doing with my life, so I get it. Age is irrelevant, but also so relevant, especially for the conditioning we've had as women. This is an exciting time to get clear on what you want to do with your life moving forward, so congratulations - Who knew being stuck could be so positive! As a big fan of reframing, I believe even the most challenging situations have potentially great outcomes when you know how to navigate them. Something you'll develop during coaching with me.
Without action your dreams are just wishes. It is time to really unlock your full potential, to overcome the blocks holding you back and to wake up excited for your life trajectory.
In coaching we work together to identify, overcome and understand the niggling limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can get out of your own way and make the changes you want to experience in your life
You ARE capable of achieving so much, despite what your mind might currently be telling you. The fears of being seen and heard as yourself do not need to hold you back any longer. I help you stop holding yourself back so you live the life you've always wanted.
You will bring joy, passion, confidence and energy back into your life. I predominantly work with actors, creatives. entrepreneurs, mums and coaches who are ready to make their personal and professional ambitions a reality.
My mission is to empower you trust yourself, to be your own best cheerleader, to live an optimal life so you maximise your potential, make your dreams a reality and succeed on your terms in all areas of you life. I can't wait to work with you!
Kate x